Best HO Sites
HO Scale Slot Cars
almost all HO cars are listed in, and you can have your own cars database !
HO Slot Car Racing
Gregory Brauns top reference site: definitely a must to visit !
Bob's GTP and F1 HO Slot Cars
lot of informations for rare magnet-cars addicts (cached version)
Track Hobbies
a must for every Formula 1 and Indy slot cars afficionados
Aarons Slot Car Racing Directory
lot of good links frequently updated, kinda "Slotcars Yellow Pages"
Slot-aholics & Clubs
Steve Selbys AFX pages
a must to visit for every AFX fans
Malcolm's HO Slot Car Page
a really well informative site
german site, full of rare infos: a must
Claus Heupels H0
impressive german collection and great scenery pictures
Felix Molteni
a swiss collector who owns an amazing AFX collection
Slot Heaven
impressive japanese collection - check the gallery, good pics
Homepage of Geogus
cool site with a lot of infos on various HO brands and cars
George's Thunderjets Collection
the complete and nice Tjets collection of Georges Warner
Toy Baron
really cool site, specialized in old Tycopro and generally rare HO cars
Johnnys Hobby Page
tracks and custom AFX cars
Johnny Lightning slotcars interesting reference pages
site in german, really informative with all cars produced by Faller
nice Faller pages in french
Slotcars paginas van Fred
dutch site with good infos and some movies of various running chassis
Brands Hatch replica
french site including a genuine replica of this historical track
Weird World of Jack
as its name says...weird ! Good silicone tires selection by the way
Josta Racing
german huge collection of various brands
Minic Motorways
the only Minic Motorways dedicated website
Slotcars & Dollars
my little blog, tracking all the insanely priced cars that went on eBay
HO Tech : The How-To Library
lot of cool tech infos
H.O. SlotWorld
AFX Chassis Page
virtually all existing chassis are pictured here
Gianni Piscitelli's Site
lot of chassis pictures. Argentina slothead
How to restore a Tjet body for racing
well documented page with good pictures
Faller : simple repair for broken chassis
good quality pictures and really interesting topic
Tables, Sceneries & Lap Timing
ModelMotorist Layout Stuff
good selection of track layout
Modellautobahnen im Maßstab H0
great german site, full of layout tips
the best commercial track design software
also a very good track design software, which is FREE
Good Web Shops
the best HO shop in the world, located in Germany-Europa !
seems to have good prices and range, but I never bought from him
Tom Hiester's Miniature Cars
a really large variety of pieces and cars
Bud's Ho Cars Inc.
good online-shop, ranging various brands, parts and so on
online-shop, reasonable prices
Producers & Manufacturers
Autoworld (Round2Corp.)
after PlayingMantis saga, Tom Lowe is reliving a legendary name
Bauer Modellautobahnen
german producer, doing really fine but mainly european cars
Bichler Racing
austrian producer, large choice of finely crafted cars
Dash Motorsports
new producer, offering really high quality bodies for low prices
Model Motoring Inc.
nice range of great musclecars
MEV Originals
sells an almost exact replica of my late 1:1 scale car
finely detailed musclecars, I should buy one of them...
the brass pan legendary cars are back
Road Race Replicas
unfortunately, Phil Pignon doesnt send outside the USA :-(
Racing Legends
amazingly accurate resin bodies made in France. Thierry is a master !
neat and clean german website, some cool casting and nice t-shirts
Team AMG
pretty range of vacuformed bodies to perfect fit your AFX chassis
silicone racing tires for various brands
racing tires for Aurora cars
Thunder Brushes
racing brushes for your Tjets
rechroming service for all your worn out chromed HO parts
Pattos Place Slot Cars
impressive range of various decals from "down-under"
decals for all scales: flames, scallops, stripes, etc...
AFX Slot Car Sticker Reproductions
special repro decals to replace your worn out on your beloved AFX
Groups & Webzines
HO-Slotcars Mailing List the greatest HO mailing list
HobbyTalk Slotcar Forum
best HO forum by far
Yahoo! Groups : HOWORLD
discussion board about any HO, mags or Tjets
Yahoo! Groups : TJET
the name says it all: devoted to Tjets
really cool and informative webzine
Vargo Speedway
another zine that kicks ass too
All scales from all over the world
Slot Bird
mainly 1/32, but has super finely detailled cars (japanese only site)
various infos and 1/32 nice custom painted musclecars
Philippe's 1/43 Slot Car Page
if you're involved in 1/43 scale, this is the place to visit
French drag racing at home
1/43 scale Mopar addicts, with some funny "dragstrip at home" movies !